Friday, November 25, 2011

Life's Suck : kata Miss Jaja. :)

oh ! aku tertekan sekarang. God, i dont know what to do, its holiday and im planning on going to kuala lumpur with friends. At first my mum give a permission, but at the moment i want to pack up my things she dont want me to go there and go home. its not that i dont want to go home, i would loveeeeeee too but i just want to spent A DAY there with my friends, and after that i will back to matrik jengka to study and do my work. i just want to have that memory. T_T
hmm, now i dont feel like going anywhere at all, either home or KL. it just make my day feel terrible.

Is it wrong to enjoy your day after all the day that u've spent that make u stress out ? haih. bukan nya apa, just nak pergi enjoy sekejap je pon dengan kawan kawan. Umiiii, i know that u miss me. aha. but, anak mu ini nak pergi sekejap je, lepas tu balik rumah umi, hm T__T takpelah. mom knows best for her children. maybe for her, apa yang aku buat nei tak betul. its okay. i know you're worried about me. appreciate that. :)
but, sedih jugakk. hmm. bosan nya duduk kat hostel nei. bandar dia memang besar sebenarnya, barang aku pon dah banyak habis. elaun pulak lagi seminggu baru masuk. haihh. lambat betul. sabar je lah. roommate semua balik, TERBAIK tidur sorang. and to Ily, im sorry cause ive spoiled everything and your day, maybe we can hang out later ? im sorry im sorry im sorry. :((

nak balik hari nei , confirm tak de tempat dah dalam bas sebab budak UITM pon balik jugak. perghhh. memang berebut lah kawan kawan aku yang balik tu. kalau aku nak balik pon, maybe esok petang, tapi kesian pulak dekat ily duduk sorang sorang, yang penting, aku kena siap kan assigntment yang lecturer bagi, catch up balik apa yang aku lupa time lecture tu, yang aku memain tu. hehh. and and, merenung sorang sorang dalam bilik. haha. kesian kau nabihah. nasib lahh. aku pandang kau, kau pandang aku ye lappy, hikhik.

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