girls are so soft, okay ?
dont took her for granted.
When they tells u her feelings don't just ignore her cause it took her so much to trust you and to tell u. seriously.
nak nak bila korang dah admit yang korang suka dia,
and then dia pon sama.
tapi tak lama lepas tu korang ignored dia.
fuh, sakit. kesian.
if nak ignored pon at least tell them why.
dah ada org lain ke ? saja nak main main kan ke ?
or dah boring ke ?
hah, tak kesah lah.
asal bagi tau sebab nye.
kalau tak de sebab tu,
hm memang saje je lah kan. =.=
trust me, we will try so hard to forget you, and ignored you.
bila korang tegur buat macam tak de apa jadi,
yes we'll just treat you normally,
because dont want to get hurt and dont want to hurt you back.
*oppsss. hihi. sorry. :P
Agree! :)
haha..bahasa gambar tu boleh tahan jugak..
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